Sunday, June 23, 2013

Let's start the Adventure together now!

With the Greater demand being placed on all at fluent and proficient diction in communication, DICTION ADVENTURE EDUCATIONAL CONSULT will be training people of all categories in the following skills needed.

1. Personal skills
2. Interpersonal skills
3. Presentation skills
4. Leadership skills
5. Writing skills
6. Numeracy skills
7. Communication skills etc.

Follow us on our blogsite and learn more about these skills

Friday, June 14, 2013

Introduction to sounds

Vowels in the Languages of the World
• We earlier looked at a classification of vowels using
parameters based on labels referring to articulation -
height & backness of tongue body and lip position.
• In practice, most vowel description is based on auditory
evaluation or on acoustic measurement.
• The standard IPA vowel chart provides reference points
for a primarily auditory comparison of vowel qualities.